After the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, which killed over 220,000 people, we established a programme in the country. We trained more than 1,000 relief workers, of whom over 900 were local staff.
In the same year we set up a programme in Pakistan to assist the huge humanitarian presence in the country, while RedR Lanka was established in its own right.
In 2011, we set up a programme in the newly-formed country of South Sudan to assist the ongoing dire humanitarian situation following two protracted civil war. We also established a training hub in Nairobi, Kenya, thanks to funding from the Lord Mayor's Appeal. The following year, we extended our training in Kenya into the Horn of Africa and East Africa.
In 2013, we supported the response to Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated the Philippines - helping communities 'build back better' and protect themselves against future disasters.
In 2014, we were contracted by DFID to train NHS medical staff deployed to help fight Ebola in Sierra Leone. Between December 2014 and May 2015, we trained 362 medical personnel not only from the UK, but from Denmark, Norway and South Korea. We continue to be involved in the Ebola response by training UK-Med standby teams ready to deploy should the epidemic flare up again.
2015 saw us respond, in partnership with RedR India, to the twin earthquakes which hit Nepal in April and May, affecting a third of the country's population.
In 2020 we responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by delivering online training for a range of individuals and organisations.
In 2021 we responded to some of the most pressing humanitarian issues, including the Venezuelan refugee crisis and the August 2021 Haiti earthquake.