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RedR UK Annual Reception 2022

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This Wednesday, we hosted our annual reception to thank our patrons, major donors and corporate partners for their support, in the presence of HRH The Princess Royal, President of RedR UK.

At the headquarters of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), our donors and partners learned more about how their support is contributing towards RedR UK’s humanitarian efforts worldwide, particularly our Ukraine Humanitarian Response. 

Our Trustee, Sally Sudworth, delivered a speech concerning the frequent rise of disasters around the world, and the need for training of local actors, as they are the first to respond in the aftermath of a disaster but often lack capacity and are subsequently side-lined by the international system. RedR UK is at the forefront of training local communities, such as COVID-19 in MENA (2020) and Haiti Earthquake Response (2021), and the Ukraine crisis, the drought in the Horn of Africa and the Pakistan floods which are all ongoing. 

The speech was followed by a video that details the RedR UK response to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis, where free contextualised modules for the volunteers and professionals working in the country and neighbouring regions were offered. In the video, a course participant, Maria Dmytriyeva, highlighted the importance of the training to empower aid workers, while our Associate Trainer Anna Saienko spoke about the relevance of providing training to improve local knowledge and skills for an effective humanitarian response. 

This was followed by a speech about the demand and importance of humanitarian emergency response, and the need to have the financial resources available to provide immediate aid when disaster strikes. 

RedR’s donors are essential to ensure that we can deliver humanitarian programmes in a timely and responsive manner. With the number of disaster-affected people growing each year, our work is needed now more than ever. Your support means RedR UK is front and centre, ready to respond to the next, unfortunate, crisis.   The evening was a great opportunity to bring together RedR UK’s major donors, reiterating our sincere appreciation for their continued support for our mission and global vision, and we would like to thank everyone who attended the reception, including HRH The Princess Royal. The humanitarian sector will face considerable challenges in the coming years. The rate of disasters and displacement is on the rise, but with the support of our donors, RedR UK will be better able to meet these needs. 
