The Power of your Legacy: Remember us in your will

Frequently-asked questions

How much should I give to make a difference?  

Any gift, large or small, will make a difference to people affected by disasters. There is no minimum gift, you should give the amount you feel comfortable with.


Are there tax benefits to leaving a gift to charity? 

In leaving a gift in your will to any charity of 10% of your estate worth more than £325,000, you qualify for reduced inheritance tax on your whole estate – from 40% to 36%. You also won’t pay taxes on any gifts made to a charity. 

Please talk to your solicitor for further advice. 


What should I do once I have included RedR UK in my will? 

You don’t need to do anything else, but we would love to know if you are planning to leave us a gift so that we have the chance to say thank you. 


What is an Executor?  

An Executor is the person named in your will who will make sure your wishes are adhered to. This can be a family member, friend, or trusted professional. 


Can I change my mind?  

Yes, of course. Your will is entirely your own and you are free to change it as many times as you see fit. Any conversations you have with us about leaving a gift in your will are kept confidential, and you are under no obligation to act on anything as a result of our conversation. 


When is a good time to make my will? 

Now is the best time to make your will. By making a will now, you can have the peace of mind that you have made all the necessary arrangements to provide for your loved ones and continue to support the causes that are important to you now.