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Appointment of Members' Council

We are delighted to announce that, following agreement at the AGM in November 2022, the Members’ Council has now been appointed and is up and running. The Members' Council provides two-way structured communication between you, our Members, the Board and RedR’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) on the views and interests of membersā€‹

The Members’ Council also provides advice, guidance and support to the Board and SLT on key issues relevant to

  • the humanitarian–development–peace nexus ā€‹
  • learning and development issues
  • membership plans and policies

The Council consists of 8 representatives who have been elected by RedR Members, and two Member-Elected Trustees who will report back to the Membership at the AGM.  The Members Council is keen to encourage wider engagement from the Global South.

I like the idea of being a part of a network of sharing lessons learned. Even when you have got experience, you should always be ready to learn, to be open and curious, and to change your point of view.

Anthony Kergosien

RedR Member and Country Director for Action Against Hunger in Iraq

Become an Aid Worker

What if Iā€™m not yet eligible for Membership?

If you have professional experience and would like to become an aid worker, we can provide the training you need to help you adapt your skills for field work during humanitarian emergencies.

If you are a graduate, undergraduate, or looking for a career change but lack the necessary professional experience, then we recommend our popular So You Think You Want To Be A Relief Worker? course, a one-day workshop which runs every other month in London.

If you have three years of professional experience in a role with transferable skills, you can become a RedR Affliate and access support and guidance to develop your humanitarian career. The benefits include access to the RedR Members’ network, training discounts, and the chance to be mentored by an experienced RedR Member.


Applications are temporarily on hold. If you would like to be informed when applications are open again, sign up to the RedR Newsletter at the bottom of the page.

1800 RedR Members

are active around the globe.

Meet the Members!

Our Members are active all over the world. Here's what some of them are working on at the moment.

If you have professional experience and would like to become an aid worker, we can provide the training you need to help you adapt your skills for field work during humanitarian emergencies.

If you are a graduate, undergraduate, or looking for a career change but lack the necessary professional experience, then we recommend our popular one-day workshop, entitled So You Think You Want To Be An Aid Worker? Or if you fancy something more in-depth, try our five-day Essentials of Humanitarian Practice. Details of upcoming courses are found here.

If you have three years of professional experience in a role with transferable skills, you can become a RedR Affiliate and access support and guidance to develop your humanitarian career. Applications are currently on hold for the Affiliates Programme.

RedTalks || Rianne ten Veen: Are good intentions good enough?

RedTalks || Steve Gordon: Humanitarian Space in the Contemporary Middle East