
Context Training in Kenya: "A catalyst for my own personal transformation"

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  • Context Training in Kenya: "A catalyst for my own personal transformation"

Mohammed Rajab, Mombasa Branch Coordinator with the Kenya Red Cross Society, attended Management and Leadership training as part of the Context programme. He tells us about the impact it's had on his work - and his life.

After the first workshop, I organised a one-day training on the Sphere standards for the KRCS (Kenya Red Cross Society) Youth Volunteers. The young people were highly motivated and went ahead to do the online course and got certified. During emergency responses, we now are in a position to form teams that can mobilise resources in a fast, efficient and effective manner, and respond "within the golden hour", when the timing is crucial.

Moving out of my comfort zone

Thanks to the leadership aspect of the course, I was able to organise a Youth Dialogue Forum. We discussed ways of countering violent extremism and possible solutions that could be applied in the Coastal region.

The training on leadership has sharpened my organisational skills and I am now able to multi-task and set my own priorities well. The coaching aspect has really helped me in terms of self-reflection and skill development. It has forced me to move away from my comfort zone and see challenges as opportunities. The training has proven to be a catalyst for my own personal transformation.

Moving out of my comfort zone

Our Partners

Context, led globally by Oxfam GB, is part of the Start Network's Talent Development project. The latter is one of fourteen projects in a portfolio funded by UK Aid (DFID)