"RedR UK's training was very informative, intense and a bit new to the DRR/CCA field.
CARE has been working in the Philippines for a long time now, implementing different projects across the country. I am the Communications and Adocacy Officer for one of our projects called « Increasing resilience to natural hazards ». We are implementing a Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) project in 8 municipalities across the Philippines.
In CARE, we have this IRM : Integrated Risk Management approach which combines DRR, CCA and Environmental Management and Restoration. It’s the framework we’ll be using for the project.
My role is to share what we are doing to other parties interested in IRM, as well as support in creating information dissemination campaigns about disaster preparedness.
The project is in its early stage, we are setting up frameworks, MEAL plan and communications and advocacy plans. The implementation started in November 2019 and will end in 2021.
I didn’t have any experience on CCA but on DRR, we previously implemented an innovation project with communities related to DRR which gave me a glimpse of how community based disaster preparedness looks like.
Rya Ducusin during the training course in Metro Manila
My key takeaway is the advocacy part because what they taught us was more simple that what we have in CARE, which is more complex. It was a more simplified version of what we have, so it’s easier to follow rather than what we have right now. I can put them together and implement something better. It’s the first time I undertake advocacy activities, as I usually work on communications.
When I look at how they facilitated the workshop, it was very easy to understand and it can be easily adapted to our communities, even if we have to translate it to the local language. Its’ a very simple but informative way of facilitating trainings. That would be very effective if we transfer it to communities.
We are about to train our partner organisations to deliver trainings on DRR and CCA, particularly to farmers and fisher folks. We are targeting 45,000 small-scale farmers and fishermen across four municipalities in the Philippines. We have upcoming trainings that will focus on DRR and CCA. RedR training will be a great addition to what we will be designing."
CCA and DRR training course in Metro Manila - August 2019