Training & Learning

Ukraine Learning Needs Analysis - update

Learning Needs Assessment: Infrastructure Damage in Ukraine

In 2023 we're utilising our role as a bridge between the engineering and humanitarian sectors to offer a more specialised technical learning programme in Ukraine, in addition to our ongoing wider capacity building programme. This learning programme will specifically support effective and resilient response and reconstruction, which includes assessing buildings for safe entry, evaluating their damages, and repairing or safely demolishing them where appropriate. This research has been carried out to inform the adaptation and development of a training programme to this effect, and to define which topics and areas to prioritise.

Gathering perspectives from local engineers and actors on the ground, the LNA will inform the next phase of our response. 

We hope this research will also be valuable for other actors developing technical capacity in Ukraine.

Download the findings here.

Capacity-building response Learning Needs Analysis December 2022

In November-December 2022, eight months into the war that continues to inflict so much suffering, RedR UK conducted a second Learning Needs Analysis to understand changes in the context and current capacity strength, gaps and learning needs of those providing humanitarian assistance to people inside and outside of Ukraine. 

We are immensely grateful to everyone who have taken time to share their thoughts, ideas, fears and aspirations. While we are critically reviewing our response strategy based on the recommendations on where and how we, RedR UK, can add value, we hope this report will be useful for our colleagues outside of RedR UK too.

The full report can be read here.

If you would like to read the first LNA conducted in April 22, please click here.


RedR UK Ukraine Humanitarian Response
RedR UK Ukraine Humanitarian Response