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A marathon in more ways than one

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  • A marathon in more ways than one

As the sun rose over the bustling streets of London, I found myself among thousands of runners at the starting line of the iconic London Marathon.

Each runner had their own story, and their own cause to champion. My heart was set on running for RedR, a charity dedicated to disaster relief around the world. While I hadn't known much about RedR before, their mission deeply moved me, and I felt a strong pull to contribute to their cause. I embarked on a journey to raise funds and awareness for them. I was determined to make a difference.

Standing at the starting line, nerves and excitement coursing through me, I couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension. This wasn't my first marathon, but it was certainly going to be my toughest. In the days leading up to the race, I had been battling a nasty tummy bug, leaving me feeling weak and drained. But despite my less-than-ideal condition, I was determined to press on and give it my all.

We bustled to the starting line. Red wave 3 was my designation and I set off with a mix of determination and trepidation. The first few miles flew by in a blur as I settled into my pace, fueled by the energy of the cheering crowd. As the miles stretched on, however, the full force of my illness began to take its toll. Every step felt like a struggle, and I had to dig deep to find the strength to keep moving forward.

Amidst the pain and exhaustion, nonetheless, I found solace in knowing that every stride I took was making a difference. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, I crossed the finish line, the clock reading 4 hours and 27 minutes. It wasn't the time I had hoped for, but given the circumstances, I couldn't have been prouder of my achievement. As I caught my breath and looked around at the sea of smiling faces, I knew that my efforts had been worthwhile.

For me, the marathon had been about more than just running—it had been a test of my limits, a battle against adversity, and an opportunity to make a tangible impact in the lives of others. And as I reflected on my journey, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the chance to support such a worthy cause. The London Marathon had been a journey of hope, resilience, and unwavering determination, and I was grateful to have been a part of it.


This blog is guest written for RedR UK by Oscar Bond, one of the six runners who supported RedR in the 2024 London Marathon - raising a combined total of more than £15,000 to support humanitarian responders. If you'd like to join them in supporting us through your giving, you can do so here.