Taking part in Context was not my idea: it was suggested to me by my organisation’s HR department. I liked the fact that our managers were involved in the learning journey, from the application process onward. My manager is generally very supportive but, due to her heavy workload and the many demands on her time, she hasn’t really been involved in the training I’ve done the past. With Context, my manager’s involvement increased my sense of ownership of the training. She even called me up from time to time to check how the training was going, and whether I was benefiting from it.
Certainly, on a personal level, I’ve improved the way I manage my time and my priorities since taking the course. My line manager has given me positive feedback on this point. She told me, " I can see that now you are much more organised; I’m no longer waiting to receive reports from you, or feedback on field visits."
I’ve also, thanks to Context, been selected to attend a two-day coaching training with the CHS Alliance. I’m really excited about this: all being well, I’ll be part of this network in the Middle East. I liked the fact that RedR opened this door for me.
And one of the best things about the course was the pool of participants. It was a real mixture of people from development, people working in emergency settings, and people from civil society organisations. I’ve heard and had the chance to experience things that, in my role, I’m not working on. We still talk all the time on WhatsApp!