Key Projects

Humanitarian Skills for Engineers - Uganda

Here at RedR, we have seen first-hand how vital engineers can be in emergency responses around the world, where their technical skills from Shelter to WASH have tangible benefits for communities hit by a disaster.

Despite this, they are often underutilised in responses, especially in-country engineers, whom also have contextual understanding of the communities and regions the response is happening in. 

We have been working with the Uganda Instution of Professional Engineers and CEDAT at Makerere University since 2020 to address this, supporting engineers to understand how to translate their technical skills into a very different, humanitarian setting, where standards, motivations, priorities, timelines and ways of working are often very different to an engineering project.

In 2022/23, we go further; working with NGOs in Uganda too, and bringing together the two sectors to a common understanding. We’ll be funding some community-based humanitarian engineering projects, with our corporate engineering partners in the UK also offering coaching and mentoring to engineers.

What We Do

This project develops safe and relevant humanitarian capacity within the local engineering profession, in a region extremely vulnerable to humanitarian emergency. Uganda alone hosts over 1.5 million refugees, one of the largest refugee populations in the world. 

To date, we have trained and certified over 150 engineers in Uganda on humanitarian skills, and developed an innovative 'Engaging Engineers' training for NGOs in the country. We are currently hosting and implementing a series of events and grants aimed at supporting humanitarian engineering further, which you can read more about here

Engineers and humanitarians connecting in Kampala

Watch Nelly explain what she learnt on the course

Apply for a place on the course

The course will be running free of charge five times in 2022/23 – if you would like to be considered for a place, please submit an application here. If you are interested in submitting an application to receiving funding for a microgrant, or you work for an NGO in Uganda and are interested in this programme, please get in touch by clicking here.

More information

If you would like more information or to talk to the team about this programme, please click here.

Humanitarian skills are important because they enable people who are passionate about saving and helping others to have the right skills and standards to approach a particular problem in a humanitarian setting. It is beneficial to combine humanitarian skills with engineering practices because the people practicing engineering are problem solvers. Equipping them with these skills will help them handle humanitarian situations better compared to others.


Computer Engineering Student, Kampala