Key Projects

Global Learning Needs Analysis

The humanitarian sector, along with the rest of the world, has pivoted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, altering the landscape for humanitarian work and learning.

This report aims to contribute to our understanding of the humanitarian learning landscape by identifying learning needs along with suitable interventions in general as well as in relation to the changes caused by the pandemic.

This Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) is based on data collected in June 2021. While this report shares findings from a global survey, with respondents answering from head, country, and local offices all over the world, it does not claim to statistically represent the aid sector. Instead, it aims to contribute to our current understanding of humanitarian workers’ learning needs and preferences, and in so doing draws attention to linkages and trends in the data.

The data provides insights into priority learning topics and what constitutes effective and accessible learning for humanitarian workers. Findings are not conclusive, but provide additional evidence for designing and delivering learning opportunities that are relevant, timely and tailored to the sector’s needs.

This report will look at:

  • What topics are a priority for humanitarian learning needs?
  • What are the most effective and accessible methods for remote/online learning?