Develop the vital knowledge, skills and behaviours that engineers in Uganda can use in humanitarian emergencies.
This is a free interactive online course designed to empower engineers across Uganda with the knowledge and skills to better respond to humanitarian emergencies.
RedR UK is offering a free of charge, innovative, high-quality online training course aiming to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to apply their engineering experience to a humanitarian context. The training will provide an overview of disasters and emergencies in Uganda and the standards that underpin the response of humanitarian actors. It incorporates humanitarian project management skills that are relevant in the rapidly changing environment of emergency response. It will also introduce key soft skills that are relevant to humanitarian response that many engineers have said they are lacking.
This six week, blended-learning course presents the methodologies and latest understanding in a highly participatory training that comprises both live webinars and asynchronous learning.
The training is a 6-week fully online course with a mix of live and asynchronous (offline) content every week, delivered on RedR UK’s dedicated e-learning platform Moodle. The course requires a commitment of around 6 -7 hours a week from participants. Live sessions will take place every Tuesday at 5pm (Uganda time).
Please note that the course will have a break during the holiday period, from the 20th December to the 4th January.
Aim and Objectives:
· By the end of the training the cohort of local Ugandan engineers will be able to explain how the principles of humanitarian assistance, the Sphere standards, Core Humanitarian Systems and other sector guidelines inform how they must work within the humanitarian context
· By the end of the training the cohort of local Ugandan engineers will be able to write a simple plan for an engineering solution for a humanitarian response, taking into account their skills and knowledge and the technical needs of a humanitarian response
· UIPE will have a list of engineers trained in the application of engineering in humanitarian emergency situation to be shared with international and local humanitarian NGOs.
This is a free training course, however full attendance is required throughout. Due to a limited number of spaces available, RedR UK will review applications and accept participants based on suitability, according to pre-determined criteria
HPass Badging
For this module, RedR UK is also offering HPass Badging. An HPass badge is a digital indicator of achievement, and a way for participants to demonstrate their skills and experience. More information on HPass Badging can be found here. Participants will be able to redeem a badge through a link sent after the module.
RedR UK is committed to making sure everyone’s needs are met, including people of different genders, ages and disabilities. If you have any specific access requirements or learning needs RedR are committed to try and make reasonable adjustments to support your needs, please email at any stage of the booking process to talk directly to RedR about your needs.
RedR UK’s Humanitarian Skills for Engineers Project is kindly funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK.