Humanitarian Story
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The modern humanitarian world has changed and developed since its introduction in the 1850s. Key moments in the history of modern humanitarianism have influenced these changes and informed the way that we work today.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Describe how the modern humanitarian world has evolved from the context and lessons of the past
- Describe the major trends, issues and challenges for modern international humanitarian response
Estimated completion time : 45 minutes
Diversity, Vulnerability and Capacity
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Diversity, Vulnerability and Capacity are crucial concepts in humanitarian action and must be considered throughout the work that we do. Within an emergency context, different people experience different opportunities, barriers, vulnerabilities, and power in any given situation. How we best meet the needs of everyone in a population must be considered in all humanitarian action.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Explain what is meant by diversity, vulnerability and capacity and why this is important in humanitarian contexts
- Identify sources of vulnerability and the relationship to power and intersectionality
- List three ways to conduct a vulnerability and capacity analysis
Estimated completion time : 30 minutes
Protection Programming
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Protection is an important theme that every humanitarian must consider when designing and implementing programming in any sector or context. This session provides an introduction to Protection programming which we will build on throughout the rest of the course.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Describe the key principles and activities of general protection and the main protection sub-sectors
- Define different types of gender-based violence
- Identify mitigation measures that can be taken to mitigate GBV in emergency programming
- Identify typical protection interventions that may be relevant in a given context
Estimated completion time : 45 minutes
Humanitarian Standards
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Technical standards exist to guide the work we do in humanitarian action. In most cases, these have been developed through long consultation processes and expert review, leading to a wealth of professional tools and meaningful minimum standards that we can strive for.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Describe the rationale and structure of the Sphere handbook.
- Locate specific technical standards, actions, indicators and guidance notes within the Sphere handbook.
- Identify alternative sources of technical standards and guidance for humanitarian action.
Estimated completion time : 30 minutes
Coordination Structures
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Humanitarian Coordination Structures are many and complex. National Governments have existing structures in place to plan for and respond to crises. International actors must be mindful of these, and work to coordinate well with what is already in place. In the humanitarian community, how we coordinate depends on the context, but common features of the approaches we have seen are the coming together of organisations into thematic sectors, and coordination between these sectors.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Identify different approaches to coordination and typical structures related to humanitarian action
Estimated completion time : 30 minutes
Minimum Standards of Camp Management
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Like everyone, displaced people living in displacement sites have the right to live with dignity. Learn how to improve the quality of assistance you or your organisation can provide in displacement sites for displaced people. For anyone who is working or volunteering with displaced people who would like to improve their understanding of the minimum standards for displacement sites.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Explain the Minimum Standards for Camp Management, their origins, purpose, and intended impact.
- Explain how they can be used by people responding to the Ukraine humanitarian crises, to improve the quality of the assistance and protection provided.
Estimated completion time : 45 minutes
How to Use the Sphere Handbook
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This module introduces the Sphere Handbook and explains how people and organisations responding to humanitarian crises can use the Handbook to improve the quality of the assistance they provide. The module builds on the knowledge and skills of people who are working or volunteering in humanitarian contexts. No prior knowledge or experience is required.
After completing this module, you should be able to:
- Describe the Sphere Approach to humanitarian work,
- Summarise the contents of the Sphere Handbook and describe who it is for,
- Apply minimum standards, indicators and guidance notes in four life-saving areas to challenges encountered in humanitarian contexts,
- Reflect on ways that using the Sphere Handbook in your work can help affected people to regain dignity, resilience, well-being and influence over their lives,
- List sources of additional information to help you use the Sphere Handbook.
Estimated completion time : 90 minutes
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Click here to access other free, online contextualised modules offered by RedR UK to individuals and organisations responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.