Katrina: The complete process was really good about helping us think as a mentor - for example, providing us with tools to talk to our mentees about how to achieve an outcome, how realistic it is, and what extra support we may need to get there.
I think the programme is also helpful for the mentor in terms of reflecting, thinking back on my experiences and thinking about how I could have done them differently. I always make an effort straight after a mission but you may not have the opportunity to look back on it 5 years later with the wealth of experience you now have.
I really enjoyed the experience and found it really valuable. I’ve been involved in other mentoring programmes which were not so successful. The benefit here was that we had similar expectations so were on the same page. This isn’t just a networking opportunity. The success here was through setting up and managing expectations.
(c) Katrina Elliot Myerson
Suzanne: I’ve learnt some new techniques, or was reminded of them, for networking, working with challenging people and managing expectations, which also ties in with my confidence and feeling like I am still relatively new to the sector. Also, I’m thinking of staying in Australia for the next 6 months to have some time to regroup but I am nervous about that impacting on my career so having Katrina to talk to about that is reassuring- it’s nice having that safe person to listen and guide without judgement