
CaLP Training Partnership

This month, RedR UK has launched a partnership with CaLP, becoming an official Training Partner Organisation for the Cash Learning Partnership.

The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) is a global partnership of humanitarian actors engaged in policy, practice and research within cash transfer programming (CTP). CaLP currently has over 70 members who collectively deliver the vast majority of cash transfer programming in humanitarian contexts worldwide.

RedR UK will now be offering CaLP-accredited CTP courses in our global Open Programmes for individuals and as part of our Tailored and in-house services for organisations worldwide. All CaLP-accredited CTP courses will be led by either CaLP staff or a CaLP-certified trainer, and uses training materials developed by CaLP. 

Katie Robertson, Director of Enterprise programmes at RedR UK said:

We are very excited to announce this new training partnership with CaLP. Their wealth of knowledge and experience in cash transfer programming make them an ideal collaborative partner. As the use of cash transfer programming gains momentum, RedR UK is pleased to be able to work with CaLP to bring the latest research, skills and knowledge in cash programming to the aid workers worldwide, helping to create more effective humanitarian action.”

The first RedR UK course to be delivered in this partnership will be Core CTP Skills for Programme Staff, Monday 3 -  Friday 7 December 2018, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Localisation to Meet Humanitarian Needs  

COVID-19 has proved beyond any doubt that local actors are critical to humanitarian responses. As a means of long-term capacity building, and as a method for addressing the power imbalance between international NGOs and the communities they serve, localisation is integral to the success of humanitarian efforts.  

Local and national actors have the benefits of legitimacy, better access, and better understanding of cultural realities in their communities . By empowering these actors to respond directly to crises, aid can be delivered more effectively to those who need it most.  

Although the humanitarian sector remains under the hegemony of the largest aid agencies, the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development makes clear that collaboration, not competition, must define relationships between local and international actors.  

By offering accessible training courses to local and national humanitarian staff, RedR UK will continue to support those best placed to respond to crises in their own communities. 

In the coming years, localisation will shape how many humanitarian organisations operate, as more power is shifted to locally led responses.