Key Projects

Ready to Respond

In an ever-urbanising world, aid agencies and relief work must too shift to being more effective and adaptable to working in urban areas, and those operating in the spaces must understand the unique challenges that urban environments present.

Funded by Lloyds’ Charities Trust, RedR UK is implementing the ‘Ready to Respond’ project, aiming to increase the ability of individuals and organisations involved in humanitarian action to prepare for and respond to emergencies, especially in urban centres.

Upcoming urban courses

There are five upcoming courses running, all online facilitated so they run over a 4 – 6 week period with technical specialists guiding the learning. There is a more generalised Urban Humanitarianism course, and then four more technical areas of urban disaster response training (Shelter, WASH, Security and DRR+R). More details and enrolment links are below, we look forward to seeing you there!

Shelter in Urban Emergencies (Online Course)

Saturday 15 June  – Wednesday 26 July 2019


WASH in Urban Emergencies (Online Course)

Saturday 13 July - Friday 23 August 2019


DRR+R in Urban Emergencies (Online Course)

Saturday 29 Jun 2019 – Friday 26 July 2019


Security in Urban Emergencies (Online Course)

Saturday 29 Jun 2019 – Friday 26 July 2019


Urban Humanitarianism (Online Course)

Saturday 6 July – Friday 16 August 2019


There is also an Introduction to Humanitarianism in Urban Settings course running, from the 4th - 13th July. This course is aimed towards private sector individuals, looking to improve their skills and gain understanding of applying their knowledge to humanitarian settings. 

For more information, please click here

About the project

The first Ready to respond project was implemented from 2013-2016 with the support of Lloyds’ Charities Trust. To read more about this, please click here.

In light of this success, in 2016 Lloyd’s Charities Trust renewed their partnership with RedR UK for a further three years to support the next phase of Ready to Respond, which has run from 2016 - 2019 and has built on the achievements of the first three years of the project, continuing to increase capacity in disaster prevention, response, and recovery, especially in urban contexts. 

We are now in the final 6 months of the project, and are delivering the final urban humanitarian courses, and conducting the final conference to bring together both the private and humanitarian sector on urban emergency response.