In light of this success, in 2016 Lloyd’s Charities Trust renewed their partnership with RedR for a further three years to support the next phase of Ready to Respond, which will run from 2016 - 2019 and build on the achievements of the first three years of the project, continuing to increase capacity in disaster prevention, response, and recovery, especially in urban contexts.
Over the next few years, RedR will work to:
- Develop the skills of local responders in disaster-affected communities through developing and delivering a new e-facilitated learning programme;
- Deliver face-to-face training for 1,500 international aid workers through subsidised support by Lloyd’s Charities Trust;
- Address the technical challenges faced in disasters by providing online technical support and harnessing the expertise of the private sector;
- Provide tailored support in the immediate aftermath of a disaster through a contingency fund enabled by Lloyd’s Charities Trust.
'Ready to Respond' is funded by Lloyd's Charities Trust, the grant-making charity of the Lloyd's insurance market, and delivered by disaster relief charity RedR UK.