Tailor-Made Support

Humanitarian Coaching

RedR UK offers coaching as a part of capacity development interventions and organisational-level change programmes.

Our professional coaches have extensive humanitarian experience and come equipped with the sector knowledge and the contextual understanding needed to directly support NGOs and their staff.

To date, RedR UK has coached over 350 humanitarian practitioners. We can provide a range of coaching services and have extensive experience meeting individual and organisational needs, including:

  • Leadership Coaching: Coaching over 160 middle and senior management of humanitarian NGOs in leadership and management skills in Jordan, Lebanon, Kenya and Ethiopia.
  • Key Change-Makers: Coaching eight Inclusion Advisors on the implementation of the sector wide Age and Disability guidelines for the humanitarian sector. Coaching 21 humanitarian NGOs and INGOs to improve organisational and sector-wide security and information management. 
  • Organisational Development: Providing one-to-one coaching and a dedicated coaching week to the leadership staff of a network organisation, as part of an 18-month project designed to increase local humanitarian capacity and drive development across the organisation’s 26 member countries.
  • Meeting Quality Standards: Delivering coaching to fourteen humanitarian organisations as part of a project to implement sector-wide learning standards.
  • Coaching to Reinforce Training: RedR UK training participants can receive additional humanitarian coaching to support their application of learning in practice on-the-job.

It was fantastic to talk through updates with someone unrelated to the organisation... an outside perspective enabled me to gain clarity and develop solutions to some issues. The coaching process itself helped me to be more motivated and productive, and that translated across to my other work.

RedR UK Coaching Participant

SIIM Project

How does it work?

Step One - Review organisational and individual needs:

RedR UK will work with you to complete an organisational coaching needs assessment, including scope (participants and level of support needed – we recommend a minimum of five sessions per coachee), and any specific departmental or strategic change areas you would like the coaching to focus on. Participants will also be asked to complete a self-assessment form to share their individual focus areas and goals.

Step Two - Selection and matching

Participants will be selected based on the criteria discussed with the organisation. RedR UK will carefully match the Coachee with a suitable Coach based on the Coach’s professional background and context experience, with a focus on the specific strengths and weaknesses raised in the learning needs assessment.

Step Three - Individual coaching agreements

After an introductory coaching session, both the Coach and Coachee confirm the suitability of the coaching match, the timeline and format the coaching will take, as well as the expectations of both parties and the steps to follow if either fails to adhere.

Step Four - Implementation support

Coaching can be conducted face-to-face, or remotely via Skype or other online platforms. A RedR UK staff member will also be available to support the Coach and Coachee in case of any communication issues or other challenges.

Step Five - Monitor progress

During the coaching programme, RedR UK will monitor the progress of the coaching relationships overall. This includes tracking the number of sessions that take place and the types of issues discussed, as well as a mid-way review by both the Coach and Coachee. RedR will then share and discuss these findings with you.

Step Six - Wrap up and evaluation

At the end of each individual coaching trajectory, the Coachee and Coach both complete an evaluation form to reflect on the learning and achievement of the goals set at the start. RedR UK will also review and share its findings on the effectiveness and impact of the coaching programme as a whole.   

The coaching process itself helped me to work on deadlines and to be productive. Following the coach’s recommendations, I also asked questions to other departments to have better answers on legal, IT, communication issues.

RedR UK Coaching Participant

SIIM project

Quality Assurance

Throughout the coaching process, RedR UK uses a range of mechanisms and tools to monitor, adapt, and evaluate the programme. Monitoring tools are tailored to the specifics of each coaching programme, based on the organisation’s overall objectives. Evaluations can assess any chosen area from implementation of key competencies (e.g. decision-making) to improved performance in the workplace (e.g. adhering to quality standards).

The content of all coaching sessions is confidential to ensure that Coachees feel comfortable openly discussing any challenges they may be facing within their work or personal lives. While we will not share individual data on the content of discussions, RedR UK does share the aggregated, anonymised data, and overall findings with the organisation

Get in touch!

To find  out more about RedR UK Coaching or any other Tailor Made programmes, please get in touch:

UK/Europe Office: +44 (0) 207 840 6000 | info@redr.org.uk

Jordan/MENA Office: +962 (0) 6 462 6227 | middle.east@redr.org.uk


To download our coaching brochure, please click on the link below:

Coaching Brochure (pdf)

Examples of our work

See how RedR UK coaching has helped to build the capacity of humanitarian organisations worldwide.

Meet our coaches

RedR UK coaches are humanitarian professionals with in-depth experience from across the sector.