S. Blakemore has a professional background in Human Resource Management, and over 30 years of experience in the field of training, group facilitation, and coaching with humanitarian and development organisations. With a well-established reputation for taking a creative approach, he has designed and led a wide range of courses, workshops, and conferences for INGOs including NRC, IRC, and Oxfam.
C. Walker is a seasoned humanitarian trainer, facilitator, consultant, coach, and mentor. He has built his career working as a programme manager and expert consultant for INGOs in African conflict regions and Haiti. C. Walker has worked as an Associate Trainer with RedR UK since 2014, delivering training and coaching across his areas of specialisation including Staff Safety and Security, Field Logistics, People and Project Management in Africa, Europe and Asia.
K. Wooster is a trainer, coach, and consultant with over 25 years’ experience working for international humanitarian NGOs. She has supported numerous humanitarian agencies to reach their potential through research, organisational development, facilitation, and training. During her humanitarian career, K. Wooster served as the Country Director for MercyCorps in Turkey and has worked in over 30 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.