Module description
This module provides an overview of the minimum standards related to site management policies and capacities: mandate, policies and presence (standard 1.1), site lifecycle planning (standard 1.2), and site management agency (SMA) and site management team capacity (standard 1.3). It provides opportunities to discuss the role of the SMA in relation to the displaced population including how the site management team can undertake appropriate and inclusive planning to improve the support they provide. It also considers the key actions they can take to ensure adequate protection and assistance is provided and how to ensure the site management agency team have sufficient capacity to undertake their work effectively.
There are no pre-requisites for this module, but it is recommended that learners are familiar with the purpose and core content of the Minimum Standards before attending the module. Learners who wish to deepen their understanding before participating in this module are encouraged to watch the video 'Supporting displaced populations in the Ukraine humanitarian response: An introduction to the minimum standards for displacement sites' and participate in the module 'Supporting displaced populations in the Ukraine humanitarian response: Using the Minimum Standards in practice'.
This module is a facilitated module which uses participatory methods. It is expected that learners will participate in discussions and activities in order to deepen their understanding of the concepts that are discussed. Participants will be offered opportunities to share relevant personal experiences and reflections to benefit their own and others' learning. At the end of the module, participants will be provided with a summary of key messages from the module and a list of relevant resources.
Module objectives
- Describe the organisational responsibilities of site management agencies (SMAs) in ensuring affected populations have equitable access to protection and assistance in a displacement site for as long as is necessary,
- List key actions to take in order to ensure adequate protection and assistance are provided throughout the site lifecycle, from set-up to closure,
- Describe the importance of ensuring site management teams have the operational and technical capacity to manage the site,
- List key actions to ensure site managers, staff and volunteers have sufficient capacity to effectively manage the site,
- Assess the strength and appropriateness of existing policies and capacities to manage a site in your own context,
- Identify actions that you will undertake to strengthen site management policies and capacity in your context.
Who should attend?
This module is aimed at anyone who is working or volunteering with displaced people in Ukraine or neighbouring countries who is coordinating or managing a displacement site in the Ukraine humanitarian response.
Course structure
2 x 1 hour facilitated sessions plus 30 minutes break in-between the sessions (delivered using Zoom) TOTAL 150 minutes
How to join
If you would like to attend, please register through Eventbrite. You will receive instructions on how to join the course after registration.
The live online sessions are hosted on Zoom. We recommend joining via the Zoom app. Participants may join the training via a browser, although the browser offers limited access to some of the interactive features of the training. Participants will be expected to have a stable internet connection and to actively participate in all facilitated sessions.
What is the language of the training?
Training could be facilitated by RedR UK experts in English, Ukrainian, Polish, and Romanian
Dates of the training sessions are listed here.
Click here to access other free, online contextualised modules offered by RedR UK to individuals and organisations responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Hpass badge
Upon completion of the course participants will be eligible to apply for a HPass Badge, a digital indicator of achievement, and a way for participants to demonstrate their skills and experience in the humanitarian sector. You can find more information on HPass Badges here.
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RedR UK is committed to making sure everyone’s needs are met, including people of different genders, ages and disabilities. If you have any specific access requirements or learning needs RedR UK are committed to try and make reasonable adjustments to support your needs, please email at any stage of the booking process to talk directly to RedR UK about your needs.
In case of any complaints, please email